Visionary Artist, Creative Activist, Speaker
Painting People Into The World

Orly Faya Artistry
Orly Faya Artistry


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Planet Ark Orly Faya NationalTreeDay 30sec V03 Subtitles

Taking Creativity to its limits,
Celebrating the human form
And the beauty of our planet.
Custom collaborations
& Concept development
with world class creative
Body Painter, Orly Faya
Be Painted and Become Art
"I wanted to have my body painted into a rainbow lorikeet, but the slow pandemic recovery made it difficult to find an available artist, until I read about the therapeutic body painting by Orly Faya. It went much deeper than my previous body painting experiences: there were Zoom sessions where we explored the mental trauma which underlies my desire for transformation, followed by the studio session where healing took place through ceremony and body painting and photography. The resulting artworks are of profound personal beauty, both physical and spiritual.
Thank You Orly for your passion and compassion, for encouraging me to be courageous, and above all for sharing my rainbow lorikeet vision." - Miles

Link in with my channels

Welcome to my world of Creative exploration and healing arts
A culmination of 20 years exploring modalities of healing through 'creativity' and 'play' - travelling all over the world and "doing what i loved", you could say...
It was from a place of endless adventure that I learnt the value of grounding myself and my visions.
Over the last 11 years I discovered the practice of Body Paint therapy, which I have found to be both energetic and somatic - and therefore uniquely connected to both the mental and spiritual realms also.
Transformation is my favourite game
My studio was natures backdrop for many years, and today incorporates both the wild outdoors and the unlikely expansive healing space of an indoor studio (currently based in Randwick, Sydney's eastern suburbs.)
My work is an invitation to step /re-step into your unique SELF/dissolve identity and remember your essential nature. To shed shame, be seen in your glory and reclaim your full potential as a spark of divine creative light.

Get in Touch
Always open to new collaborations, commissions,
creative conversations and enquiries.